¡Hello everyone! 😃

Today I will talk about the meaning of symptoms and which are the most frequent in clinical practice. First of all, it must be clear that a symptom is a phenomenon that reveals a disease. The symptom is referred subjectively by the patient when he perceives something abnormal in his body. 

Sign and symptom are not the same! ☝

The symptoms of a disease are the manifestations that the patient himself feels, and that no one, except the person who suffers from them, can verify. And the signs are manifestations of the disease that can be perceived by an external observer. 

Frequent uses of signs and symptoms

  • I feel... 
  • I've Been ...   
  • I have pain in my...  

What are the most frequent signs and symptoms?

  • Backache: pain in the back.
  • Earache:  pain in the ear   
  • Stomachache: pain in the Stomach  
  • Headache:  pain in the head.  
  • Toothache: pain in the Tooth  
  • Fever: high temperature     
  • Cough:
  • Rash:  
  • Sore throat
  • Measles:
  • Stuffy Nose
