
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2022


¡Hello again my dear bloggers! 😀 Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that we use to express an opinion about whether something is probable or possible. We also use them when talking about ability, asking permission, or making a request. Modal verbs are:  Can May Will Ought to Must Could Might Shall Should to Would 1. Affirmative form:  Regularly, the modal verb precedes the main verb of the sentence, which goes in the infinitive form, that is, in the present.  The structure is: Subject + Modal verb + Principal verb + Complement For example: I must make a decision 2. Negative form: To make a negative sentence with a modal verb, we must add the adverb not after the modal. Except for may, all verbs can be contracted in their negative form.  The structure is: Subject + Modal verb + Not + Principal verb + Complement For example: I can´t lift so much weight 3. Interrogative form:   When we want to ask something and there is a modal verb in the sentence, we must put the modal at the beginning o


  ¡Hello everyone!   😃 Today I will talk about the meaning of symptoms and which are the most frequent in clinical practice.  First of all, it must be clear that a symptom is a phenomenon that reveals a disease. The symptom is referred subjectively by the patient when he perceives something abnormal in his body.  Sign and symptom are not the same! ☝ The symptoms of a disease are the manifestations that the patient himself feels, and that no one, except the person who suffers from them, can verify. And the signs are manifestations of the disease that can be perceived by an external observer.  Frequent uses of signs and symptoms I feel...  I've Been ...    I have pain in my...   What are the most frequent signs and symptoms? Backache : pain in the back. Earache :  pain in the ear    Stomachache : pain in the Stomach   Headache :  pain in the head.   Toothache : pain in the Tooth   Fever : high temperature      Cough : Rash :   Sore throat :  Measles : Stuffy Nose


¡HELLO GUYS! 😆 Today we will talk about the past perfect but specifically about the grammatical structure, its uses and some examples and exercises to practice. Structure and forms  - Affirmative structure: Subject + auxiliary had + past participle verb + complement  I had paid for my Netflix subscription I had spent a lot of money - Negative structure: Subject + auxiliary had + not + past participle verb + complement I hadn’t been to Mexico once before She hadn’t lived in Bogota before moving to Barranquilla - Interrogative structure: Auxiliary had + subject + past participle verb + complement ? Had you visited Colombia before this trip? Had they met each other before the party? When do we use the past perfect? 1. The past perfect is used to refer to an action that happened in the past before another. In this case, the first action is conjugated in the past perfect, while the second, the most recent, in the past simple. For example:           - I had saved my document before the c


¡Hello everyone! 😃 What are tag question?   Today I will talk about how to use the tag question which are used to make affirmations or denials in a short form. So come with me and I'll show you how they are used and I'll give you some examples. 👌 The structure for using a tag question is as follows: 1. Affirmative sentence + negative question tag, for example:     - Hernán was studying english, isn't he?     - They are your father, aren't they?  2. Negative sentence + affirmative question tag, for example:     - You didn't go to class yesterday, did you?     - We're not going to the beach this weekend, are we? That is, the main rule is that if a sentence is affirmative, the auxiliary verb of its tag question will be conjugated in the negative. The same applies in reverse. 👀 Then I will leave you a video in which you expand the information on the use of the tag question: 👇 Now, you already understood the topic right 😮? I will leave you the exercises for