
The Tayrona National Natural Park

The Tayrona National Natural Park in southern Colombia, located in the department of Madaglena, 34 kilometers from the city of Santa Marta. This is one of the most important natural parks in Colombia, I really liked it when I went because it has incredible beaches with crystalline waters, and it is a place to rest and spend time with the family. But it is a place where children should be supervised because there are plateaus, hills and slight mountains in the tourist routes where someone can fall and get hurt, due to such movement, it can be very dangerous. Also, you should bring sunscreen and plenty of water because the weather is slightly high.

Controversial isues

Regarding abortion, I think that everything will depend on the situation or circumstance in which it is wanted to be carried out, for example, I am in favor of abortion if the gestational process was the product of sexual abuse or rape, if the fetus has some type of non-treatable congenital malformation and if during the medical practice there is some type of circumstance in which the chances of life of the mother prevail over that of the fetus. On the other hand, with respect to the death penalty, I think it is conduct that does not reflect concrete justice towards an individual who has done a lot of damage to society.

Write about 5 situations in which you or another person wished they had decided something different.

Write about 5 situations in which you or another person wished they had decided something different. I would have gone to play soccer if I had come home early If I had bought the flight tickets, I would have gone to the beaches of Cartagena. If my girlfriend had woken up early, she wouldn't have missed the school bus.  If my mom had respected the traffic rules, the police wouldn't have fined her. I would have bought the Ferrari if I had a lot of money    

My favorite celebration

 I LOVE THE CARNIVALS OF BARRANQUILLA Hello my dear friends, today I will talk about my favorite celebration of the year which is the CARNIVAL DE BARRANQUILLA and. But why is it my favorite? Because they do costume marches and that's a lot of fun, also, the people wear costumes which the children and visitors like and lastly they launch fireworks and that's a great show. 💫👌😀😀😀😀

Express regret about past actions

Hello my friends 😀, today I will tell you about a situation of regret for past actions of a member of my family. 😓 My brother and his cell phone A few weeks ago my brother Roberto went to look for a job and they informed him that they would call him in the following days and he should have had his cell phone on but unfortunately his cell phone ran out of battery and it was turned off yesterday when they called him from the job interview. He could have called again to explain the situation but he did not want to insist. Normally, he would have gone to the workplace where he was called from where they might have understood him but he didn't. Now he is sorry because he could have had a new job.  Bad luck for my brother, right? Let's listen to the advice of others that helps us grow as people. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, I am going to leave you with a vocabulary and examples on

Express intentions or plans that changed

  Hello colleagues, we have all changed our minds at some point in our lives, for example: I was going to play soccer, but I had to study. 😓 I wasn't going to the "guacherna", but my brother talked me and convinced me. 😆 I wanted to be a lawyer, but but changed my mind. 😮 I was not going to have a birthday party but changed my mind.  😎😀


  EMBEDDED QUESTIONS  An embedded question is a question that is included inside another question or statement. They are common after introductory phrases, such as: I wonder Could you tell me Do you know Can you remember Let's ask We need to find out I'd like to know I'm not sure Would you mind explaining Five Rules for Using Embedded Questions Rule One If the embedded question is part of a statement, use a period and not a question mark at the end of the sentence. Also, if the question is in the present or past simple verb tense, omit the auxiliary verbs do, does, and did and change the verb to its appropriate form, as in the example below. Direct Question --> What time did he leave? Embedded Question -->  wonder what time he left. Rule Two If the embedded question includes an auxiliary verb or the verb "to be", reverse the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb, as in the examples below. Direct Question --> What did he say? Embedded Question --